Fibre Circle is the producer responsibility organisation (PRO) for the paper and paper packaging sector. We help our registered producers keep in step with EPR legislation. We also support the broader value chain on the journey from a linear economy towards an inclusive circular economy.
Our aim is to improve paper collection and recycling programmes across South Africa by managing the EPR fees entrusted to us. Fibre Circle works with paper and paper packaging stakeholders to enable practical solutions, innovation, research, and development, thereby enhancing the circular nature of paper fibre and process waste. We also seek to empower the informal recycling sector and develop markets for recycled paper fibre through research, innovation and enterprise development.
Linear economy
A linear economy sees everything going in the bin and to landfill.
Recycling economy
In a recycling economy, we aim to divert
recyclable material towards recycling mills, with less waste going to landfill.
Circular economy
In a circular economy, however, lies the potential for zero waste.