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According to Graz University,
paper fibres can be recycled up to 25 times.

That’s great news for a circular economy.

Small Currugated cardbaord boxes, paper roll, toilet paper cardboard roll, and paper pulp.
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Recycling starts with you!

Separate your paper and paper packaging from wet waste.

Man carrying a stack of sorted news paper to be recycled.
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EPR needs us to work together

To find practical solutions for common recycling challenges.

Recycling Logo Made With Bundled Coloured Paper Balls
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By empowering others, we can grow the circular economy.

For the benefit of the
environment and society.

Adult & children throwing away waste for recycling in recycling bins.
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Putting people, paper and the planet at the centre of the circular economy

Hands holding up South African flags in a reycling logo.
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About Fibre Circle

Fibre Circle is a government-recognised producer responsibility organisation. We manage extended producer responsibility programmes to keep paper and paper packaging, which are renewable and recyclable products, out of South Africa’s landfills. This helps to create a clean and dignified living and working environment for all South Africans.


Fibre Circle is the producer responsibility organisation (PRO) for the paper and paper packaging sector.  We help our registered producers keep in step with EPR legislation. We also support the broader value chain on the journey from a linear economy towards an inclusive circular economy.

Our aim is to improve paper collection and recycling programmes across South Africa by managing the EPR fees entrusted to us. Fibre Circle works with paper and paper packaging stakeholders to enable practical solutions, innovation, research, and development, thereby enhancing the circular nature of paper fibre and process waste. We also seek to empower the informal recycling sector and develop markets for recycled paper fibre through research, innovation and enterprise development.


Linear economy


Recycling economy


Circular economy


Linear economy


Recycling economy


Circular economy

A linear economy sees everything going in the bin and to landfill. In a recycling economy, we aim to divert recyclable material towards recycling mills, with less waste going to landfill. In a circular economy, however, lies the potential for zero waste.


Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) legislation outlines a new approach to waste management for paper, packaging and some single-use products, lighting and electrical and electronic equipment. The aim is to divert waste from landfills and increase recovery, recycling and reuse of materials.

EPR in South Africa

Under the new EPR regulations, legislated for implementation from 5 November 2021, it is now mandatory for producers of identified products to join a PRO or form one themselves. Producers, through their PROs or independent schemes, are legally required to manage their products’ end-of-life by developing the downstream reuse and recycling of their materials.

Obligated producers had until 5 November 2021 to register with the DFFE and ensure that all identified products are covered by an EPR scheme. Companies can either join an existing PRO such as Fibre Circle, form a new PRO or develop and submit an independent EPR scheme.

Registered producers will pay an EPR fee to the respective PRO, based on the tonnes of identified products placed on the domestic market, either through local manufacturing and sales, or imports.

EPR and Fibre Circle

In collaboration with its registered producers, Fibre Circle will manage the EPR schemes for the South African paper and paper packaging sector. By joining Fibre Circle, your paper and paper packaging interests can be collectively represented, and your company will be compliant with EPR regulations.


Registering with Fibre Circle

Fibre Circle is open to membership from companies recognised by Section 18 in the Waste Act as ‘obliged industries’. It also welcomes partnerships with brand owners and retailers who make use of paper packaging to protect and market their products.

Upon registration, companies will receive a registration certificate, comprising a unique Fibre Circle EPR number and the date upon which your registration was effective. (This certificate is not subject to annual renewal. Once you are registered with Fibre Circle, you remain registered until such time as you deregister.)

Registered producers that are up to date with their returns and fee remittances will receive a Letter of Good Standing on a six-monthly basis. This document, which will have a validity period, can be used in conjunction with the registration certificate when communicating with suppliers or customers.

Six open paper magazines placed on top of each other.


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Stacks of office paper.


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Contact Us

Contact Fibre Circle by filling out the enquiry form below.
