As the registered producer responsibility organisation (PRO) for the South African paper and paper packaging sector, Fibre Circle has elected to collect EPR fees from registered companies. These fees are based on tonnages manufactured locally or imported into South Africa – whether as primary product packaging or secondary transit packaging – and placed on the South African Market
The regulations define a producer as ‘any person or category of persons, including a brand owner, who is engaged in the commercial manufacture, conversion, refurbishment (where applicable) or import of new or used identified products.
The identified paper products are as follows:
To be eligible for registration with Fibre Circle, you must be:
The three simple steps to ensuring EPR compliance are as follows:
You must ensure that you deal with EPR compliant suppliers to avoid trading illegally.
EPR compliant suppliers must be able to provide you with certificated proof of their compliance and you will be required (by law) to pay them the EPR fees (as per their invoice to you). Furthermore, you may also recover these fees from your customers. Your business will therefore be indirectly involved within the EPR regulations and be compliant as required by law.