About Us

About us

Who is Fibre Circle?

Fibre Circle is a government-recognised producer responsibility organisation. We manage extended producer responsibility programmes to keep paper and paper packaging, which are renewable and recyclable products, out of South Africa’s landfills. This helps to create a clean and dignified living and working environment for all South Africans.

Fibre Circle seeks to achieve this by:

  • By improving paper collection and recycling programmes across South Africa through targeted, measurable interventions.
  • By managing the EPR fees entrusted to us in a specific, auditable and practical manner.
  • By engaging with our stakeholders – registered producers, value chain partners, Government, at national, local and municipal government level.
  • By enabling research and development in the paper and paper packaging sector to support the circular nature of paper fibre and process waste.
  • EPR Scheme for paper and packaging

    Fibre Circle submitted its EPR Scheme for the South African paper and paper packaging sector in November 2021. It was developed in accordance with regulations regarding extended producer responsibility [G43879 – GoN 1184]; the Extended producer responsibility scheme for paper, packaging, and some single use products [G 43882 – GoN 1187]; and all subsequent amendments. Seven business plans under the scheme have been consolidated into this EPR scheme. Materials included in each business plan are:

  • Packaging papers
  • Office paper
  • Newsprint, magazines and coated papers
  • Label backing paper and waste matrix
  • Paper sacks
  • Liquid board packaging
  • Multilayer paper-based packaging
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    About us

    Why register with Fibre Circle

    The EPR regulations under Section 18 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act – as gazetted on 5 May 2021 by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) – aim to provide the framework for the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of EPR schemes. This will promote the effective lifecycle management of the identified products and enable the implementation of circular economy initiatives.

    The regulations also make the producer (or group of producers) responsible for the establishment of an EPR scheme, the development and implementation of an EPR plan and compliance against annual recovery and recycling targets.

    The regulations require paper and paper packaging producers, importers, and brand owners of the identified paper and paper packaging products to register with Fibre Circle or establish their own scheme.

    We can achieve more by working together to establish infrastructure and alternative systems, and to keep paper and paper packaging out of South Africa’s landfills, and help create a clean and dignified living and working environment for all South Africans.

    Who should belong to Fibre Circle?

    Obliged paper producers could encompass manufacturers and importers of paper and paper packaging as well as brand owners and retailers. Any South African company or brand that makes or imports paper or paper packaging (whether primary or secondary) for distribution in South Africa is required to belong to an approved EPR scheme and to pay an EPR fee per sales tonne of product.

    The identified products are office paper, coated graphic paper, newsprint, magazines, corrugated and kraft paper packaging, label backing paper, sacks and bags, multilayer paper-based packaging and liquid board packaging such as paper cups and beverage cartons.

    The paper and paper packaging value chain includes but is not limited to:

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    Fibre Circle Green Economy